Tuition Free
K-8 Enrollment2025-2026 OneMatch Rounds
Lottery Dates for the 2025-2026 School Year:
Round 1 Opens: November 1, 2024
Round 1 Closes: January 24, 2025
Round 1 Results Released: February 13, 2025
Round 2 Opens: January 25, 2025
Round 2 Closes: April 18, 2025
Round 2 Results Released: May 15, 2025
For the best chance of matching with Matchbook Learning and The Match High School, please apply ASAP!
Students who reside in IPS Zones 1 map will receive free public school transportation.
Eligibility for school bus service is determined by a student’s home address and the school they attend. If a student’s school is outside of their home address zone boundary, the family will be responsible for providing their own transportation.
What Classifies My Child as a Walker?
A student is classified as a walker if they meet the following conditions:
For grades K-5: the student lives 1 mile or less from their school
For grades 6-8: the student lives 1.25 miles or less from their school
For grades 9-12: the student lives 1.5 miles or less from their school
In rare situations where the distance ends in the middle of a block, the boundary will extend to the end of that block to avoid confusion for families (e.g., apartment complexes).
To view the fill guidelines please visit:
How To Enroll
Matchbook Learning partners with Enroll Indy to participate in the city-wide OneMatch enrollment system. To apply, complete a OneMatch Application by the Round 1 or Round 2 deadlines and mark Matchbook Learning as your #1 choice on the application. Once the results are released, a member of our enrollment team will reach out to you with the next steps. Please have the following documents ready:
● Student’s Birth Certificate
● Vaccination Record
● Proof of Address (current utility bill or service agreement—gas, electric, water, cable)
● Parent/Guardian ID
We are always here to help! Hablamos Español!
Cómo inscribirse
Cómo Inscribirse Matchbook Learning se asocia con Enroll Indy para participar en el sistema de inscripción OneMatch a nivel de la ciudad. Para postularse, complete una solicitud de OneMatch antes de las fechas límite de la Ronda 1 o Ronda 2 y marque a Matchbook Learning como su opción número 1 en la solicitud. Una vez que se publiquen los resultados, un miembro de nuestro equipo de inscripción se comunicará con usted para informarle sobre los próximos pasos. Por favor, tenga listos los siguientes documentos:
● Certificado de Nacimiento del Estudiante
● Registro de Vacunación
● Prueba de Dirección (factura de servicios actual o contrato de servicio—gas, electricidad, agua, cable)
● ID de Padre/Tutor
After School programs
Years Established
Get In Touch
Location: 1163 N Belmont Ave Indianapolis IN 46222
Telephone: (317) 226-4263
School Hours: M-F: 7:30am to 3:30pm